jeudi 11 décembre 2008

Promises, promises, promises.

So I haven't blogged in years (5 days, really). A lot of you (probably just one) have been wondering where in the world is Pierre - Well, to tell you the truth I was here all along, BUT when a computer decides to break down and fall apart AND you don't have any computer skills whatsoever what do you do really?

I'll tell you what I did.

I went to Future shop and bought a ridiculous amount of movies - Including my oh so favorite, The Dark Knight - and watched them all whilst being buried alive in a boatload of shitty blankets.

That's what I did folks. Like a real man, I ran away and retrieved until my mom finally announced me that the good ol' comp was up and running again. =)

So that's that.


So I know for fact that a lot of people out there know me from my band, and that's mucho cool. I also know and remember that a long time ago (last week) before my computer imploded, I promised you something.

So there it is. I am super duper sorry for being late and for having you wait a little longer.

Know that if you are reading this right now, you have in your hands something special and I'm super stoked to finally share with the world what we've all been working so hard for.

So this is what the new layout will look like.

Our good friend Alex over at Doppelganger designs really did a phenomenal job.
A lot of you are probably wondering what is the city for ...but that answer will come later when the album comes out ;)
So that's about it for tonight.
I really wanna hear your thoughts on the layout so please head over to and let me know what you think.
Until the next time,
-the boy next door.

samedi 6 décembre 2008

Blogging life away, part 1.

Alright folks. I officially caved in to the blogging universe.

- Hold your applause.

I will be updating this thing frequently so make sure you add this up to your favourites.

Or maybe not, actually.

Anyhow, here it is so lurk away as much as you want.

Oh, and no need to mention that you need to lurk responsibly otherwise you won't be able to lurk at all ;)

I can already picture myself holding the trophy for the 2009 blogger of the year. Muhaha.

Alright, on with the show.

Hope to hear from a lot of you people.
