samedi 6 décembre 2008

Blogging life away, part 1.

Alright folks. I officially caved in to the blogging universe.

- Hold your applause.

I will be updating this thing frequently so make sure you add this up to your favourites.

Or maybe not, actually.

Anyhow, here it is so lurk away as much as you want.

Oh, and no need to mention that you need to lurk responsibly otherwise you won't be able to lurk at all ;)

I can already picture myself holding the trophy for the 2009 blogger of the year. Muhaha.

Alright, on with the show.

Hope to hear from a lot of you people.


2 commentaires:

Krysten A a dit…

WOOH! awesome dude. follow my blog so i can remember to check yours, which y'know, i would either way and all. but following is always good.

Spa a dit…

congraguates sure will keep joining you.. at your leisure do join me at:spa beach resorts