mardi 18 août 2009

Paper-back monster.


Things are slowly falling back right into place. I seriously couldn't be more happy about the past week. Work and money is surprisingly very good, the friends are good, the weather is awesome (though a bit too hot).

I am in the process of diving right back into the writing of my debut graphic novel. Though a lot harder than I originally expected, it's been fun thus far. Definately looking forward to seeing how the whole thing unravels.

As always, I've been keeping myself busy with videogames haha. It's funny how I will always get super stoked over them even if I'm coming to an age where I am technically supposed to be thinking about starting a family and whatnot. Oh well, nobody likes you when you're 23.

Sappy Blink-182 quote: (x)

If any of you are wondering, this is what the track listing for the album so far;

Young & Alone.
So hollow.
Sleeping forever.
Cliff jumper.
I give myself away.
Raise your voice.
Break me down.
Haunted castles.
Keep failing.
Without you.
Nowhere bound, see you around.

Who would've thought.

Oh well, see ya!

-The boy next door

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