dimanche 9 août 2009


Shitty old me feels like some things need to change very soon. I don't feel that much inclined to make them change myself, so I'll sit here and wait for them to manifest themselves.

I wish I could just forget about these words, notes, strumming patterns, melodies, and guitar picks. I just want to go back to college and start where I left off. A part of me keeps wanting that school/good boy lifestyle, full of these shallow people and shallow dreams.

Another part of me, which controls approximately 90% of my brain when I'm not sleeping just wants to keep playing music like a bum. No matter how hard I try to steer away from it it just lures me right back in.

To all my fellow ghosts lurking in the shadows, new music is coming your way. I promise. I have too much crap to get out of my system.

Until then,

- The boy next door

1 commentaire:

Èmesi a dit…

Things don't change by themselves... you gotta work our magic if you want something to happen.

On a rien pour rien, Pierre. Mais avant tout, fais ce que tu aimes! Et fuck le reste!

Oh! And shitty and shallow people, they're everywhere, not just at school. Entoure-toi des bonnes personnes... mais prends en soin, aussi.